Thursday, May 20, 2010


I. Introduction
a. It takes place in home and in school. In the year of 1922 in New York.
b. The main characters Diana, Mary, Larry ,and Jerry and lastly the mother
c. I will have a foreshadow in my story.

II. Raising actions
a. My main characters will become grate friends and they won't carry what they mother says.
b. The mother wants Diana to have a good job and she also wants Diana to bring her money because the mom doesn't want to look for a job.

III. Climax  
a. The most important event of the story is when Diana looses all her friends because she is being selfish.
b. The turning point of the story is when they start being friends and stop argued 

IV. Falling actions
 a. The dimax is when Diana starts helping her sister.
b. Diana and Mary and the twins were surprised.

V. Resolution
 a. Diana learn that it is not good to do nothing around the house everyday. The sister Mary and the brothers Larry and Jerry learned to get along with her sister.
b. The characters learned to not argue with each other and to get along.

Novel Project

                                             My name is Diana I have one sister and two brothers. I am 12 years old. I am in seventh grade. My sisters name is Mary  my brothers are twins their names are Larry and Jarry. My sister is 14 and my brothers are 15 about to turn 16. My mother loves me more then my sister or brothers. She loves me more because I get go grads. I have a grate life because I never had to do chores because mommy makes my sister do them for. My mom doesn't want me to work. She doesn't want me to work because she wants me to get a job and bring her fame. In second grade  my teacher told my mom that I can go to fourth grade. My mom said no beacause then I would be the youngest in my class. When I was in therd grade my teacher told my mom if I would want to go to fourth grade. My mom said "no because I would be the youngest and people would bother her and make fun of  her." Then when I was in fifth grade they ask me if  I would want to go to sixth grade. My mom said OK because I am getting mad of  Diana's teachers asking me if I want to skip grade. So I went to seventh grade.