Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How slavery began

Wall Street is called Wall Street because Africans biuldt a wall there. The wall in Wall Street was made to seperat the African from the Europeans. In 1626 the first eleven slaves came to New York. The first eleven slaves didn't come by them slefes. They looked for slaves with skills because they they want the Africans to work for them [they were the Portuguese.] When they tried to escape they punished them by hanging them or rogstingth them alive. They did that to teach them a lesson . They didn't want to buy another one because they had to waste more money.

Slaves were only allowed to go in groups of 12 to bary a family member. They were allowed to only go in groups of 12 because the owner feared that they migth try to escape. They were allowed dusk.

In June 1991 bones began to appre. Some women were found with there babies. They were found with ther babies becase when they were baried the mom they also buridthe momthey also buriied the baby.

They put pennies on the people who died they put pennies on there eyes to keep them closed. When they put pennies on the dead prsons eyes that means that they are going to have a bad after life

1 comment:

  1. Jenny-
    Excellent job with your essay. A few small spelling and grammatical errors:

    "selfs" should be "selves"
    "rogsingth" should be "roasting"
    "bary" should be "bury"
    "appre" should be "appear"

    There are some more, I will let you find them... use spellcheck!

    Also, pay attention to your homophones!

    they're = they are
    their = it belongs to them
    there = a place

    Read your paper out loud to look for missing words. What's missing from this sentence?

    "They were allowed dusk."

    When you use a pronoun, make sure the person or thing the pronoun is talking about (the antecedent) comes before you use the pronoun.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Mr. Enders

    Meaning = 4
    Development = 4
    Organization = 3
    Language = 3
